🌿 Happy environment day! –

🔔 A big announcement for our upcoming “laughing nature” Campaign 🌿

🌳Let’s Nurture The Nature To Get A Better Future🍀 🌍

☞ “If humanity has to live for a long time, you have to think like the Earth, act as the Earth, and be the Earth because that is what you are.” 🤝🥰


What if when the last tree is cut down, the last fish is eaten, and the last water stream is poisoned, you will realize that you cannot eat money. With that in mind, Srmehranclub has announced a “Laughing Nature Campaign” on this World Environment Day. Earth is like a home to us and we must make efforts to keep it clean and green.

Laughing Nature is a non-profit and tree plantation campaign initiated by Srmehran for the future betterment of the environment worldwide. Our utmost love and care for mother nature have ignited us to launch the Laughing Nature Campaign to return something to the environment for everything that this environment has provided us with. 

If Earth’s temperature warms up beyond 1.5 degrees celsius, over 70 percent of Coral reefs will die, and at 2 degrees Celsius, 99 percent of coral reefs will be lost. Human activities like the burning of fossil fuels are the main reason behind climate change

Shrinking areas of natural habitat for animals, we have created ideal conditions for pathogens, including coronaviruses to spread. We have also l

Covid-19 was transmitted to humans via the wildlife trade, and its spread was facilitated by economic globalization. 

Most emerging infectious diseases, and almost all recent pandemics, including Covid-19, originated in wildlife, and there is evidence that increasing human pressure on the natural environment may drive disease emergence. 

Just like UNEP has launched the UN decade on Ecosystem Restoration. It’s a global mission to revive billions of hectares, from forests to farmland, from the top of mountains to the depth of the sea. Srmehran has announced this Laughing Nature Campaign and plant as many trees as we can, and make this planet’s environment friendly and suitable for the future.

Ecosystem restoration can take place by planting trees, greening cities, changing diets or cleaning up rivers and coasts, and rewilding gardens. Our planet needs help, and the destruction of the environment can cause pandemics. With this campaign, we aspire to spread the awareness of planting trees and how crucial it is to sustain life for the next generations to come.

🌿 Happy environment day! – 🔔 A big announcement for our upcoming “laughing nature” Campaign 🌿 screenshot at pm

Trees are the only source of oxygen that we breathe in and Carbon dioxide that we exhale is consumed by trees. How are we going to get the fresh Oxygen if trees wouldn’t be there? Would we survive? Why should we let that day come over? So let’s pledge together to plant one tree at this World Environment Day and make our planet a better living place. 


Trees exist on Earth since their creation and are the oldest living thing on the planet. Just like Mahatma Gandhi Said – “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed” Our planet is home to millions of species, mother nature gives a lot but demands nothing. What all we do is just write a post, click some photographs, and viral it. But are we really planting trees? 

Some biggest issues are global warming and climate change that we are facing today. Because the trees are being cut down which slows down the climate change which is been effected past few years. Forest fires, hurricanes, Earthquakes, and drying up of water resources are because there have been no rains. 

Earth without oxygen is like mobile phones without internet in today’s time. Trees moderate the effect of the sun, rain, and wind that help to enhance the quality of life for people on this planet. Over 30% of our plant is covered in trees. Trees are majestic, help in biodiversity, and can reduce climate change. But we’re cutting them down at an alarming rate.

Since the start of human civilization, it’s estimated that we’ve cut down almost half the trees on Earth. SO, what would happen if all of us, and that’s all 7.7 billion of us – Planted a Tree?

But it’s estimated there are currently over 3 trillion trees on the planet, 7.7 billion trees would be a valuable step forward. So let’s take a pledge to grow and support our Laughing Nature Campaign. But we would need to go further to make a really substantial difference to the environment. 

🌿 Happy environment day! – 🔔 A big announcement for our upcoming “laughing nature” Campaign 🌿 screenshot at pm

If we planted 1.2 trillion trees, we’d cancel out a decade’s worth of CO2 emissions by the time forests mature. So, that sums up to 160 trees per person in his/her lifetime

Planting 1.2 trillion more trees could capture up to 100 gigatonnes of CO2, on top of the 400 gigatonnes captured by all our existing trees.

If we keep on planting trees, in 20 or 30 years entire woodlands and forests would be established. And in 100 years these trees would grow and mature, safeguarding habitats that otherwise get cut down.

We invite you to join us for this noble cause and help make this world a better place. Support Laughing Nature for a better, healthier, and brighter future for this planet and for everyone.



“We won’t have a society if we destroy the environment” 🌎 🌺

Note:- Avoid Rumors Have Any Questions Contact Our Team Directly This campion is more about yourself than others so I suggest you all participate enthusiastically and you will take this Champaign to a better place. we will inform and give whole information about this campaign and our all strategy we believe in transplant! keep supporting us!

Thank you!

🌿 Happy environment day! – 🔔 A big announcement for our upcoming “laughing nature” Campaign 🌿 srmehran free membership